A Personal Note from the team

What’s the story?

As summer comes to a close, we reflect on how our homes can support our goals, much like Olympic athletes who work tirelessly to achieve their dreams.

Dear Friends and Clients,

Marc here. TBG (“The Big Guy,” aka John) and I wrote this edition together as he spends more time out of the office, and I take on more of the day-to-day operations. He isn’t going away completely, and I feel fortunate to have his guidance and mentorship as The Ship sets sail on a new journey. Things won’t look too different around here, as he has done an amazing job over the last 50+ years, building a foundation of quality work, great relationships, and stability—which I intend to carry forward (for the next 50?!).

Soaking up as much daylight as possible and learning to ride a two-wheeler!

I feel like we say this every month, but it’s hard to believe we are already at the “end of summer”! With some dedicated family time and countless activities, it seems like the weeks and months fly by.

Earlier this month, we enjoyed the athletic spectacle of the Olympics. We tuned in as much as possible, finding motivation in the individual athletes and enjoying awe-inspiring performances that showcased just how incredible these athletes are.

This got us thinking about how our homes can be set up to support our own goals and dreams, no matter what stage of life we’re in.

For those with kids, efficiency is paramount as you juggle school, homework, and extracurricular activities. Remodeling can make a big difference in how your home serves your family’s needs, whether it’s reworking your kitchen to accommodate homework during meal prep, finishing a basement for a “kid zone,” or adding a mudroom to keep sports gear organized.

For others, it might mean creating a dedicated workspace, a serene retreat for relaxation, or a multifunctional room that adapts to your evolving needs. Just like Olympic athletes, who started with a dream and worked tirelessly to achieve it, you too can create a space that sets you and your loved ones up for success in whatever your “Olympics” might be.

At the beginning of the month, the crew braved 95-degree heat and humidity to build a garage. We are enjoying the moments of cooler temperatures—and we hope you are too!

Until next time,

Marc and John

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